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World Buskers Festival

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Since its inception in 1992, The World Buskers Festival has grown to become an internationally recognised festival that attracts the top busking and comedic talent from around the globe.

Like many organisations, it was hit hard by the earthquakes and relocated to Hagley Park for many years. In 2017 it was time to bring it back to the streets of Christchurch.

Imagic was appointed brand partner for the World Buskers Festival in 2016. Our task was to reinvigorate the brand, creating a buzz about the festival returning to its roots.

Brand Design, Photography, Marketing, Brand Strategy, Copywriting, Signage
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Our key operating idea was “Taking back the streets.” Subverting well-known imagery from historical coups by giving it a comic tilt. This was intended to show the people of Christchurch that the Buskers Festival was taking over the town and that resistance was futile.

The festival had nearly 300,000 people attend the event, the best numbers in several years with record online sales.

We are very proud to have been an integral part in the successful relaunch a brand and campaign for the WBF as a street festival.

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