The Palms Shopping Centre

The Hello Neighbour campaign is all about letting the locals know they're a vital piece of The Palms community.
This campaign began with a direct mail to 1,000 residents of the centre’s catchment area. Each neighbour received a box, delivered to their doorstep, containing locally baked treats and a mini-puzzle piece. Recipients were given just four days to bring in their puzzle piece to The Palms and exchange it for an instant prize, resulting in a total of 505 residents redeeming their prize within this period. Instant prizes included free coffees, cinema tickets and gift vouchers ranging from $10 to $500!
As well as claiming their instant prize, recipients and indeed all customers of The Palms were able to get involved with the second stage of the promotion; building a giant, community focused puzzle.

Customers simply had to sign up to the VIP database to add a piece to the puzzle. The entire 1,092 piece puzzle was fully completed in 3.5 days, resulting in an additional 1,092 customers added to The Palms VIP database. One lucky customer was drawn from this list of names to win the additional prize of a $1000 gift card.
Once the giant puzzle was completed, it formed a unique and collaborative community image, illustrated by local artist Brett King, with a strong focus on the people, activities and nature of the local environment. The entire 13.8m x 2m puzzle was permanently applied to the east entrance wall to create The Palms Community Wall.
This campaign was an innovative and new way to drive further community engagement and foot traffic to The Palms.