Your angels are always looking out for you.
Recruitment never sleeps. That's why your Ryan angel is always looking out for you.
This was the compelling message driving a multimedia awareness campaign that Imagic partnered with Ryan Recruitment to deliver. This campaign focused on 'keeping your eyes open, and being on the lookout'. That feeling when you're talking about one thing and doodling another on a page, and then BAM! You make that crucial connection. That was the design intent of the campaign—showing that moment when your Ryan angel thinks, 'Actually, I've got the perfect thing for you.’
Imagic created various OOH and digital assets with which to execute this campaign. All themed around that moment when you wonder, 'Could this be even a little bit better?' That was where the persona of the Ryan angel came from. The role of the guardian angel is always looking over your shoulder, trying to find the best outcomes for your life. Because when you distil it down to its essence, that's what good recruitment is—guardianship of people's future selves.
After 30 years of helping local businesses and jobseekers find the best fit, the Ryan Angels have a comprehensive list of:
• 'Who's who?'
• 'Who's doing what and how?' And,
• 'Who wants what and why?'
Now, thanks to this campaign, we can add "Who's looking out for you?' to that list.