CDHB. A delicate balance of serious and sizzle

Canterbury DHB delivers health care to half a million Kiwis. After a lengthy process examining their interdepartmental processes, they developed a digital platform to enhance the workflow of 11,000 health staff.
This work has garnered the attention of health organisations around the globe. Canterbury DHB had a story to tell and needed video content to help unpack this narrative.
The video would be used as a illustrative piece at conference key notes, and also as a feelgood internal-facing explainer - and to some extent an on-boarding video.
Our initial sit down with the Canterbury DHB’s project specialist team was about getting up-to-speed with their world, understanding their audience, appreciating the challenges and mapping the journey that was bringing these new ways of working to fruition.

Turning your story into cinematic narrative.
Next, we output a series of treatments and beat scripts - showing the Canterbury DHB team the colour palette and thematic hooks. Once these were refined, we moved onto scripting and storyboarding.
After a day shooting on location and working with key talent, we took the footage into the edit suite. As you’ll see from watching the piece, there was a high level of animation involved in this video. Being an informative piece it needed plenty of sparkle to keep what could be a heavy information piece energised.