Central Heating New Zealand. Transforming the way Kiwi’s perceive comfort

Central Heating New Zealand saw a demand for better and more efficient heating that warmed up entire homes. They set out to change the way Kiwi’s think about heating, rolled up their sleeves and began to build warm water central heated homes.

Three businesses in one.
Our website designers developed three user-centred websites for Central Heating in alignment with their core business segments: Trade, Builders & Architects, and Commercial.
Each of these had slightly different designs, and required an accessible and engaging user experience, in order to cater for all three of their target markets. Alongside this, we implemented one CMS for Central Heating made up of all three websites - making it much easier to manage.

Breaking down a large-scale project.
We knew we wanted to shape the development by highlighting Central Heating’s core values and weaving these throughout the website.
Along with this, having an intuitive UI was important when guiding the customer around the multi-faceted sitemap. Our developers set the website up in a stock management structure, along with a customer log in for users to access different areas of the site.