Great Nature. Respected brand. New SKUs. Online launch

ANZCO is a world-class producer of beef and lamb products. Established in key markets across Oceania, Asia, North America, the Middle East and Europe, they are a house of brands with multiple marketing partnerships in play.

Adapt - new SKUs
ANZCO had identified an opportunity to launch three new SKUs in the pet treat sector. After a rigorous pitch involving three agencies, Imagic was chosen to be the new brand guardian.
We were selected because of our strength in the digital realm as this product’s launch was to be driven through website, search, social and other online marketing. The briefing was dense, and the ANZCO brand guidelines rigorous with so many other quality SKUs already in play.
However, after much work we distilled our brief down to: ‘We want them to think that Great Nature is premium, natural, fun and adventurous. We want customers to feel connected with the brand and to engage on social media… and buy our products, of course!’
Connect - with a great New Zealand brand
Having created an immense list of potential names, including many taken from an in-house naming competition, we successfully focus group tested ‘Great Nature’ - this name connected with the great outdoors of New Zealand and the great nature of a well behaved canine.
Communicating directly with the marketing manager of Great Nature, we created a suite of packaging designs, a digital media plan, and formulated tactics and strategies to take this new brand to market.

Packaging design required photography, and the online assets needed video. Photography on location and video production with four legged talents is all about logistics. When you’ve got top camera operators, animal-specific photographers, and a video director who is a dog lover himself, then you’re already many steps ahead of the game.
Vital to the success of this rollout was staying in touch with the supermarket partners and the supply chain logistics. Content calendars were being reworked in real time, coming down down to the last minute, to ensure we promoted roll out in regions across New Zealand successfully.

Grow - online share
Were not wagging the dog, the numbers speak for themselves:
Grew Instagram following from 0 to 1.9K in 8 months
Grew Facebook following from 0 to 3.4K in 8 months
2.4 million brand impressions since launch
276 average reactions (likes, comments or shares) per post on IG and FB