
Packaging Design Christchurch

The unboxing is a significant part of the brand experience. We create packaging designs that jump off the page and the shelf.

Together, we’ll adapt your product label design, so it better connects with your target market and helps to grow your sales conversion rates. How it feels in your hands, how it opens, the real estate it occupies, how it will transport, and how it packs in bulk.

Every facet of the packaging checklist is not only ticked off by our team of specialists, but we’re always looking for ways to bend and breaks the rules, so your brand gets the first look and makes a statement that lasts.

More responsive brand development capabilities:

Imagic is a branding agency based in Christchurch, New Zealand specialising in the creation of brand packaging design. We’ve been helping clients with award-winning company branding that fits for over 20 years.